anuchitrit mudran example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Handsome man of robust health, patient and tenacious, knowing bow to necessity and hide his will to power as modest and smiling outside, he studied hard and learned much to offset the darkness of its origins 2. In addition, continuing education remains underdeveloped in Britain and did not offset the decline in learning 3. In Greenland, the decline of whales and seals were partially offset by the development of fishmongers industries 4. offset the decrease in direct taxation and the tax burden ultimately changed little throughout the period 5. One of the objectives of cosmological theories has been to provide an interpretation of the Hubble effect (1921), that is to say the offset frequency to the red shift observed on radiation from distant galaxies

Given are the examples of hindi word anuchitrit mudran usage in english sentences. The examples of anuchitrit mudran are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., offset.

Thus, while imports increase, they do not offset the increase in exports, and there is a trade surplus.

They would increase savings now, which will fully offset the increased government dissaving so that national savings do not change.
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